Inside Harrison Gardner Dyers & Winders Ltd

The most successful businesses are built on strong, established relationships and there is none closer than ours with Harrison Gardner Dyers and Winders Ltd. Yarn dyeing experts since 1901, we rely on them to perform a critical role in the production process for our hospitality carpets for the hotel and leisure sectors.
They’re responsible for ensuring our yarn is colourfast and resistant to fading through wear, sunlight, water and washing. Check out our short video for a glimpse inside this fascinating dye house.
As a proud ‘Made in Britain’ member, we know the importance of forging powerful partnerships with local experts. Our family business has worked closely with this great family company for almost 30 years. Today, Harrison Gardner, just over the Pennines in Bradford, is owned by Jonathan and Daniel Harrison, the fourth generation of the family.
There’s a lot to like about Harrison Gardner, apart from them being only a few junctions away over the M62. Hard-working and dedicated, they have the experience and technical expertise to work out the dye recipe and dye yarn to our often highly demanding specifications. Despite being so long established, they’ve always moved with the times though and have continually invested in the latest dyeing machinery and dyeing processes.
Today, they have over 30 dyeing machines that can handle anything from 3 kg to 2,000 kg and offer hank dyeing, space dyeing, reeling and back-winding. This flexibility enables Harrison Gardner to deliver the speed and quality of service we demand for our customers.
“I think they understand the same important aspects of day-to-day life in our industry – fast turnaround times, working to short lead times, making sure quality is always there” explains Newhey Managing Director, Howard Whitehead.
Harrison Garner also have incredible attention to detail, which is vitally important to us. Their technical and production teams dye each and every job to the right shade with pinpoint accuracy, each and every time. What’s more, we trust them implicitly with the recipes for our shades which are kept strictly confidential.
Helen Harrison, Sales and Marketing Manager said “We have a fantastic working partnership with all the team at Newhey Carpets. It is built on a mutual respect and understanding of each other’s business. Our relationship has evolved over a number of years. It helps that Newhey is a family business and run in a similar way to Harrison Gardner by focusing on quality and customer needs. This leads to both companies offering their service to the market which contribute to the success and long term future of the woollen carpet industry in the UK.”
Want an example of how this close working relationship enables us to respond rapidly to our customers’ demands? Over 15 years ago, we developed and have perfected a system where Harrison Gardner holds samples of our stock colours in the dye house. This ensures that the dying process can begin within the shortest possible timescales. This is just one example of how working together, we have been able to react quicker, retain our existing customer base and help to secure new business.
It’s this genuine appreciation and deep respect of each other’s knowledge that has continued to strengthen our relationship over the decades… and hopefully for more to come.
We leave the last word with Howard Whitehead “Both Daniel and Jonathan have demonstrated that they have our business interests at heart, they provide realistic and honest advice about what can and cannot be achieved and will always strive to deliver our requirements. It gives us at Newhey great peace of mind to know that we have a working partner like Harrison Gardner that we can depend upon.”